How to take your toasties up a notch with Annabelle White

Take it up a notch adding items from your fridge.

Mistress of the grill, @annabellewhitenz absolutely loves a good toasted sandwich. Check out her tips for a delicious home-made toastie, made using items from the fridge such as mushrooms and spring onion as well as left over cheese and of course, McClure’s Pickles.

Toastie Tip 1: Add grated mozzarella, parmesan and rindless brie, mushrooms and chopped spring onions to your cheese and pickle toastie. Cook the toastie for just that little bit longer to ensure the cheese is melted and the bread is crunchy. And remember, anything that goes onto a pizza can go into a delicious toasted sandwich. This takes the simple toasted sandwich to another level.


The artisan toasted sandwich – a triumph of flavour with Annabelle White


Our Wellington Toastie Crawl